An effective solution to eliminate H2S and a variety of associated gases. Designed for superior quality, low maintenance, and long term effectiveness in residential or municipal applications.
The heart of all of our odor control systems are canisters filled with Wager's highly effective media. Each blue canister holds a capacity of 50lb or 23kg.
All of our 2050 and 3000 series are all designed to include the same size media canisters. This makes it easier for the customer to order replacement canisters with media even if they have several different models in their network.
When the media needs replacement, handles incorporated in the canister make it simple to swap out for a new canister provided by Wager.
Each of our 2050 series works exactly the same at eliminating H2S odors. They all feature air admittance valves, mist eliminator pad(s) and media canister(s). The number after 2050 represents how much media the system holds. For example 2050-450 holds 450lb. (204kg) of media in 9 canisters.
Selecting the right size system is dependent upon the parts per million (PPM) of H2S gas and the velocity of airflow entering the system. With a low concentration of H2S and airflow the model 2050-50 We try to size each system to get at least one year of service before the media canisters need to be replaced.
Some situations where Wager Odor Control Systems can be found beneficial but also pose questions when determining what system is best.
Q: What is the size of the main entering the station?
A: Inside the pipe the sewer is forcing air out ahead of it. The volume of air is determined in part by the size of the pipe dumping into the station. The larger the pipe, the more airflow and splashing inside the wet well will occur.
Q: How many pumps are inside the lift station. How many gallons per minute can they handle?
A: Typically lift stations are equipped with duel pumps. These pumps are activated when the level of liquid reaches a certain level inside the wet well. These pumps then force the fluid out though the force main. Each pump will be rated to handle a specific amount of gallons per minute located in the pumps specifications.
With this basic information we can help you determine the CFM (cubic feet per minute) and what Wager Odor Control System would be the correct model for each lift station.
There are a couple of factors to consider when determining the PPM of H2S at a location
Older sewer line = Lower PPM
Newer sewer line= Higher PPM
A H2S gas logger is an excellent tool to get an exact reading. Wager suggest getting these reading at peak times of the day. 7am & 7pm.
If you do not have a H2S gas logger, a good estimate is 100 PPM.
Q: Is there use of Bioxide?
A: Bioxide will dramatically cut the PPM at the station but is a very expensive process. Wager's Odor Control Systems will act as a polisher in order to reduce the quantity of Bioxide needed if at all. I
If you know the CFM and the PPM for a location you can enter this information into our sizing estimator calculator. You can even compare our different systems against one another to see a good estimate of how many months can be achieved before media change outs.
In order for to Wager's Odor Control Systems to be highly effective. There are other scenarios that will need to be addressed. H2S gas will find the path of least resistance. Any area where the gas can escape, it will. Check the security of all fittings and make sure the hatch has a tight seal. We recommend a industrial rubber mat to lay over the hatch door when not in use .
Other areas to check near by for odors would be:
Air realease valves near the lift station.
vented manholes near the lift station.
Q: What is the size of the Main?
A: The larger the size of the pipe , the likelihood of higher concentrations of H2S (PPM).
Q: What is the size of the Air Release Valve?
A: The larger the ARV, the more CFM of air it has to handle.
Q: Where is the ARV located?
A: Generally there will be higher PPM and CFM at the beginning of the line.
Q: Are all of the ARV's functioning properly and active on the line?
A: In situations where air release valves are inoperable deliberately shut down will effect the airflow further down the line. Venting is key to the efficiency of the system.
Q: What is the size of the gravity sewer line?
A: The larger the size of the pipe , the likelihood of higher concentrations of H2S (PPM).
Q: Are there vent stacks or just manholes along the line? if there is vent stacks, what size?
Q: Is the manhole a street application?
A: Wager offers a manhole scrubber that holds the same size media canister as our 2050 series.
perfect for street applications or where the forced main is dumping into the gravity line.
For very low concentrations of H2S gas (5-15 CFM) on gravity lines or even roof vents we recommend our residential odor control valves for small applications.
Wager 2050 series are all designed to handled higher concentrations of H2S gas. They all include media canisters and Mist Eliminator Pads and Air Admittance Valves.