Wager is proud to announce our newest addition to our innovative line of
vent check valves. The 1550 cylindrical valve is designed so that the
body does not exceed the width of the flange. This allows the 1550 to fit
nicely in confined spaces. Our design features a clear view of all the
internal parts and allows for easy access during inspections.
In the open position, the 1550 allows for required airflows needed during
loading and unloading of liquid or dry cargo. During heavy seas, our
disc style float rises to a buna seat, and prevents contamination of tank
cargo by seawater. (1.5” Uses ball float)
A 30 x 30 stainless steel flame screen provides protection from deck
fires. The exterior design of the valve allows for added protection from
The 1550 is available in galvanized steel, stainless steel, or aluminum.
Sizes are 1.5” – 4”. ABS Type Approved. Made in the USA.